Schlumberger Foundation

Application Deadline: November 8th 2024 

Applications are now open for the Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships. The Faculty for the Future program, launched in 2004, awards fellowships to women from developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD or Post-doctoral research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields at leading universities worldwide. The Schlumberger Foundation is committed to gender parity in science and recognizes that full access to and participation in a STEM curriculum is essential for the empowerment of women and girls.

By facilitating STEM research for women scientists in emerging economies, scientific and technological advances will be enhanced in the local communities and regions from where selected candidates are awarded for this program. Since its launch in 2004, 863 women from 90 countries have received Faculty for the Future fellowships to pursue PhD and Post-doctoral research in STEM in leading universities and research institutes outside of their home country.

Eligibility Requirements

You are eligible if: 

  • you are a female and are a citizen of a developing country or emerging economy where women are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. You are not eligible to apply if you hold secondary citizenship from a developed country. (N.B. If you have been awarded a Faculty for the Future grant and after the award you obtain citizenship of a developed country, the grant will be discontinued as of the date of such additional citizenship);
  • you are preparing for PhD or postdoctoral studies in STEM. The Faculty for the Future program does not fund Master level studies;
  • you are currently enrolled, have been admitted to or have applied to a host university/research institute abroad (applications are no longer accepted where a candidate has not yet applied to a university). If you are applying for a sandwich PhD the final degree must be awarded by the Host University abroad (i.e., but not solely from the home country university);
  • hold an excellent academic record;
  • are willing to go back to your home country or region upon completion of your studies to contribute to its socio-economic development;
  • have a proven record of teaching experience in your home country and can demonstrate your commitment to going back home to: i) an academic or research position in a STEM faculty; ii) and/or to using your knowledge to become a STEM entrepreneur to help resolve regional challenges in your local community/region; iii) and/or to demonstrating leadership by contributing to the public sector using your scientific skills to help provide evidence-based support for STEM policy making, including topics of gender representation;
  • can demonstrate leadership skills, active community outreach and have a track record in encouraging girls and women into STEM.

Schlumberger employees are not eligible to apply for Faculty for the Future grants.

Selection Process

The selection process includes five rounds:

  • First Round: Is based on compliance with eligibility criteria such as country of origin, discipline and overall quality of application. Non-compliant applications are eliminated.
  • Second Round: The first shortlist is reviewed based on scoring of the following criteria:
    • academic performance
    • quality of references
    • scientific interest of research proposal
    • commitment to teaching
    • relevance of research to home country
    • commitment to inspiring young woman to pursue studies in the sciences
    • quality of host country university
  • Third Round: The second shortlist is reviewed by the Schlumberger Foundation scientific committee with a focus on quality of research proposal, scientific interest and relevance to home country.
  • Fourth Round: The final shortlist of candidates is interviewed by telephone by members of the Schlumberger Foundation Board of Directors and Executive Management.
  • Final Round: Selection of grant recipients by Schlumberger Foundation Board of Directors.


  • New applications will be accepted from September 2nd to November 8th 2024 for the 2025 Fellowships (the deadline for reference letters is November 15th, 2024).

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships

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